Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Superbowl, Super Day

Well, like football or not, Super bowl XLIII (no, that's not a shirt size - it is as us commoners call it Superbowl 43) was an interesting and exciting game.

I wonder when the game is televised in Rome if they use Roman numerals or the number 43?

Why do we use Roman numerals anyway since we don't even teach kids how to make change from a twenty dollar bill. So why do we teach them something they do in Rome?

Could it be our schools teach Roman numerals just so we all know which Superbowl we are watching?

I've never been to Rome, so if you have, maybe you can tell me how it works with their numbers.

If you want a Roman twenty dollar bill, do you enter the Bank of Rome and ask for an XX bill?

Oh well, that's my 2 cents worth which I don't know how to write it in Roman so I'll move along.

We were lucky enough to have a few friends watching the game with us which makes it more fun.

From their reaction everyone seemed to enjoy the game, though the biggest reaction was from the commercials.

Everyone enjoyed them and I especially loved the Budweiser commercials with the Clydesdales.

The commercial with the kids talking was good as well. I just can't believe kids that young can talk as well as they do and be that smart, not to mention having computer skills at that age.

The hate work commercial with the woman screaming took on a life of it's own and as it went on and on it drew you in so much so by the end we were quoting it.

The Ed Mc Mahon/MC Hammer commercial to some of us may be a little too close to reality.

The GoDaddy.com hearing commercial added a little eye candy for the male viewer as did the bus Doritos ad.

Another Doritos ad that made all the men flinch was the snow glob crystal ball commercial.

Denny's had a good ad as well and in case you missed it today from 6 A.M until 2 P.M. Denny's is giving a free Grand Slam breakfast to everyone.

Now that my friends is a real deal.

Speaking of food, did I mention we had great food to eat while we were watching the game?

Did I also mentioned we sat outside and watched the game? It's Vegas baby!!!

Just a heads up, I'll be taking off Wednesday and Thursday this week as I will be working a late shift.


At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want a Roman twenty dollar bill, do you enter the Bank of Rome and ask for an XX bill?

I have been to Rome and other parts of Italy. Then we asked for Italian lira using Arabic numerals just like here. Now you would ask for the equivalent in Euros.

Anyway, your question was for amusement only so thanks for asking.



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