Thursday, December 11, 2008

Reality Test

Is it real or is it monopoly money?

We have heard the word Trillion used a lot lately.

Playing with trillions, did you know?

If you were counting right now, one, two, three, four, five, six -- it would take you 32 days to get to a million.

It would take you 32 years to count to a billion. It would take you 32,000 years to count to a trillion.

Grab the achy, itchy, sneezy, sniffly all-over medicine.

Where were all the global warming advertisements?

Did you notice it just mysteriously disappeared during the campaign?

Five years before Al Gore got his movie out. The warmest year on record was 1998.

We've been cooling now since 2000.

2008 May be the Coldest Year of the 21st Century — This year appears set to be the coolest globally this century.

Data from the UK Met Office shows that temperatures in the first half of the year have been more than 0.1 Celsius cooler than any year since 2000.

The principal reason is La Nina, part of the natural cycle that also includes El Nino, which cools the globe.

Cooling isn't evidence of warming slowing down. It's evidence of cooling.

It looks like the Earth doesn't even agree with global warming.

OK how does this work?

I saw a commercial for Lincoln. They claim to be offering “Employee Pricing Plus” which would allow potential buyers to pay the same price that employees pay–Approximately $5,000 plus an additional $6,000 cash back.

I went to the local Lincoln dealer and he confirmed that ad was correct.

So I asked him, "Do you have any employees that have purchased a car using this program?"

He proudly pointed to a salesman and said, "Joe over there bought a fully loaded Lincoln SUV identical to this one here on the showroom floor for $45,000 regularly priced at $56,000."

I asked him if he was sure it was identical to this vehicle and he assured me it was.

I told him I would take the one on the showroom floor and in keeping with their advertisement they had to sell it to me at the employee pricing of $45,000 less the additional $6,000 cash back bringing the total to $39,000.

He didn't understand it no matter how loudly I explained based on their own advertising they had to sell me the car at that price.

Did you know car dealerships have security officers? I didn't, but I do now.

I'll get back to you on how well my attorney is at negotiating.

Who tests the tester?

Blood alcohol tester charged in Nevada with DUI

CARSON CITY, Nev. -A contract worker for a Nevada sheriff's department is accused of driving drunk to a jail to test a suspect's blood alcohol content.

Fifty-three-year-old Kathleen Cherry told a Carson City sheriff's deputy who smelled alcohol on her breath that she had one margarita before driving Friday night.

She's accused of failing field sobriety tests and registering a blood alcohol content over the state's legal limit of 0.08 percent.

Cherry is a phlebotomist, trained to draw blood for lab tests. She was booked on a misdemeanor drunken driving charge, and her bail was set at more than $1,000. She declined to comment.


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