Back Into The Real World
Editor's note:
Well, Obama has chosen Biden as his running mate which is good news for Hillary. She can sleep the whole night now knowing the phone won't be ringing at her house at 3 A.M.
She can also take off all her makeup and dress and pearl necklace and get comfy.
You know from past posts that I'm a fan of bears. I have to tell you though, as of late, the bears are getting a little soft.
Plucky Cow Confronts Trespassing Bear
HYGIENE, Colo. - A curious cow and a young wild bear touched noses and hung out together in a pasture before the bear dashed off with the cow in pursuit, neighbors said. But whether the cow was chasing off the bear or just wanted to play is a matter of debate.
Residents of this rural town about 30 miles northwest of Denver say the encounter took place Sunday after the bear climbed into an apple tree in the cow's pasture and then climbed down.
The cow is named Apple because she loves eating the fruit of that very tree, said her owner, Nancy Dayton, who describes Apple as more pet than livestock.
Apple ambled over for a look, said Penny Cox of Hygiene, who witnessed the get-together.
"The cow, she thinks she's a dog, so she's interested in everything," Cox said. Eventually the bear took off with Apple running after it.
Puppy Scares 3 Bears From Backyard
A 15-pound cocker spaniel-poodle mix named Pawlee scared off a mother bear and her two cubs Sunday morning after they strayed into his owners' backyard.
He may not look fierce, but Pawlee, an 8-month-old cocker spaniel-poodle mix, scared off a mother bear and her two cubs who wandered into his owners' backyard Sunday in Wyckoff, N.J. The bears decided to vamoose when they heard Pawlee's furious barking.
Bears are getting way too soft.
Grandpas are not supposed to take things away from their grandchildren:
Barbie Fishing Rod Nets Record Catch
David Hayes' granddaughter just asked him to hold her Barbie rod and reel while she went to the bathroom. He did. And seconds later he landed the state record channel catfish at 21 pounds, 1 ounce.
Alyssa's father had bought the pink Barbie fishing rod for Christmas and she had caught a few bluegill before her grandfather hauled in the catfish.
Hayes said his granddaughter worried he would break her rod. He landed the 21-pound fish on a 6-pound test line. It was 32 inches long, 2 inches longer than the rod.
Yeah, according to grandpa she was supposd to have been headed to the bathroom yet she was worried he would break her rod.
His story doesn't add up. I bet he saw the size of the fish and wanted the record for himself.
I echo your editor--HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAVE!!! :o)
The story does add up, didn't you think of the possibility of her getting back from the bathroom while he was still reeling in the fish?
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