Our World Today
OK what's up with people in the airline industry today?

Pilot's Gun Fires on US Airways Flight
A gun belonging to the pilot of a US Airways plane accidentally discharges as the jet prepares to land in North Carolina.
No one was injured in the weekend incident, and authorities say the plane was never in any danger.
I guess a pilot shooting a gun in the cockpit would not put the plane in any kind of danger!!
Flight Attendant Accused of Setting Fire
FARGO, North Dakota - A 19-year-old flight attendant angry at having to work a route set a fire in an airplane bathroom, forcing the plane to make an emergency landing, authorities say.
Eder Rojas, of Woodbury, Minn., was arrested in Minneapolis on Wednesday. He is being prosecuted in Fargo, where the Compass Airlines flight with 72 passengers and four crew members landed safely on May 7, after smoke filled the back. No injuries were reported.
So when you get angry with your employeer, rather than quit, do something that will put you in jail for a long period of time.
Ah the human mind!!
Naked pilot, flight attendant arrested in woods.
HARRISBURG, Pa. - An airline pilot was found hiding behind a shed wearing only flip-flops and a wristwatch as a nighttime romp in the woods with a flight attendant ended with both under arrest, police said.
Jeffrey Paul Bradford, 24, and Adrianna Grace Connor, 24, both employees of Pinnacle Airlines Inc., were at a diner on the outskirts of Harrisburg on Sunday night before they apparently decided to walk into the woods, police said.
"They told the officer they wanted to go do it in the woods, essentially," said Lower Swatara Township police Sgt. Richard Brandt. "That's the best answer they had."
I wonder if they ever heard of poison ivy?
In closing I will leave you with a little of Wag's wisdom:
Trust is both important and dangerous.
It is important because trust allows us to form relationships with others.
It is dangerous because trust always involves the risk of being betrayed.
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