Mindless Midweek
OK I guess by now you have all heard there is a tax rebate or, as some call it, a stimulus rebate check, that is soon to be in the mail.
Well, I assume you have been thinking of how you are going to spend it as have I.
The bride and I have been doing a lot of talking about how we should put it to the best use.
Our first idea was to pay off the car.
Our second was to pay all the bills.
The third was maybe take a trip around the United States to see places we have never seen.
The fourth was to take the Alaska cruise with return by rail using the left over money for souvenirs from the trip.
The fifth was to pay off our house.
Last night we reached an agreement on how we will spend our rebate/ stimulus check. We decided to put some cash with it and we are going to buy a tank of gas for the Denali.
Fresh off the news wire;
All of the Wal-Mart store shelves are bare. Upon learning of the earthquake in China, the loyal Wal-Mart shoppers flooded the stores in fear of shortages of merchandise.
Have you heard of the Darwin Awards? Here is a candidate for one who actually lives in Darwin Australia.
Australian fined for buckling in beer, not child
DARWIN, Australia - An Australian man has been fined after buckling in a case of beer with a seat belt but leaving a 5-year-old child to sit on the car's floor.
The 30-can beer case was strapped in between two adults sitting in the back seat of the car. The child was also in back, but on the car's floor. The child was sitting in the lump in the center and unrestrained.
The beer has taken priority over a child.
Fashion tip: For the women out there that may want the Muslim look, may I recommend a nice little burqa shop downtown?

One of my loyal readers read one of my previous posts about the Chicken Ranch bordello and decided to check it out.
He forwarded me a picture of a sign he spotted in the restroom.

And there you go for a Wednesday.
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