Not One But Two

To many, a person attending college and graduating may not seem like a big deal.
To my wife Vicki and I who encouraged our two boys to attend and graduate from college, it is a big deal and a dream come true. Our son Stacey previously graduated with a degree from the University Of Nevada Reno.
On Saturday May 17th, 2008, our second son Tyler also graduated with a degree from the University Of Nevada Reno.
It is hard to put into words as to how proud and excited we were Saturday when Tyler walked and had his name announced as a graduate of the University Of Nevada Reno.
There was quite a crowd observing Tyler's Graduation.
Two of Tyler's best friends shared his graduation celebration with him, his brother Stacey on the right and his friend Eric to the left in the picture.
To Tyler, Graduate of the UNR class of 2008, you make us so proud.

That's my boy!!!
Yay Tyler!!
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