Foreign Trade
OK we keep importing all the contaminated food products and the lead-laced toys and in return:
Admirals: China 'not helpful' on Thanksgiving
Aircraft carrier was refused permission to dock in Hong Kong
The USS Kitty Hawk, which has its home port near Tokyo, was forced to return early to Japan when Chinese authorities at the last minute barred the warship and its escort vessels from entering Hong Kong harbor.

But wait there's more.
Violation of unwritten code of the sea?
China refused, several days before the Kitty Hawk incident, to let two U.S. Navy minesweepers enter Hong Kong harbor to escape an approaching storm and receive fuel. The minesweepers, the Patriot and the Guardian, were instead refueled at sea and returned safely to their home port in Japan.
I don't understand why the United States does not cut off all export/import deals and cut financial aid to China.
Move over lead, now we have asbestos in toys:
Asbestos turns up in toys, children's clay
DIYers who use duct tape, spackle, roof sealer also at risk of exposure
Asbestos has been found in a variety of products including the CSI Fingerprint Examination Kit and two brands of play clay, in addition to home products such as cleanser, roof sealers and duct tape.
The products were tested by labs hired by the Asbestos Disease Awareness Foundation.

The CSI Fingerprinting Kit has a collection of plastic tools and three types of powders, two of which had high levels of asbestos, especially concerning since kids will be touching the powder directly as they search for fingerprints.
According to the manufacturer, Planet Toys, "The kit has been tested and has met all safety standards requirements as set by toy safety agencies and legislation, including the Consumer Product Safety Commission. The agencies don't require asbestos testing and therefore we have never been apprised of any unacceptable levels of asbestos."
One of the highest levels of asbestos -- 30 percent -- was found in a roof sealer.
None of this junk was made in the U.S.A.
We gotta keep that trade balance, you know the one where we take their goods and in trade it kills us.
Dried apples preserved with a cancer-causing chemical.
Frozen catfish laden with banned antibiotics.
Scallops and sardines coated with putrefying bacteria.
Mushrooms laced with illegal pesticides.
These were among the 107 food imports from China that the Food and Drug Administration detained at U.S. ports just last month, agency documents reveal, along with more than 1,000 shipments of tainted Chinese dietary supplements, toxic Chinese cosmetics and counterfeit Chinese medicines.
For years, U.S. inspection records show, China has flooded the United States with foods unfit for human consumption. And for years, FDA inspectors have simply returned to Chinese importers the small portion of those products they caught -- many of which turned up at U.S. borders again, making a second or third attempt at entry.
U.S. companies have become so dependent on the Chinese economy that tighter rules on imports stand to harm the U.S. economy, too.
"So many U.S. companies are directly or indirectly involved in China now, the commercial interest of the United States these days has become to allow imports to come in as quickly and smoothly as possible," said Robert B. Cassidy, a former assistant U.S. trade representative for China and now director of international trade and services for Kelley Drye Collier Shannon, a Washington law firm.
As a result, the United States finds itself "kowtowing to China," Cassidy said, even as that country keeps sending American consumers adulterated and mislabeled foods.
" U.S. companies have become so dependent."
"Allow imports to come in as quickly and smoothly as possible."
"Harm the U.S. economy, too."
All buzz words to make it OK for China to poison us!!
"Kowtowing to China" my ass. The United States should kowtow to no one.
Wake up America!!!!!!!!!!
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