Thursday, December 20, 2007


Please welcome the writings of my son, Tyler, who is my guest author for today.

Tyler understands Christmas.

Merry Christmas

Christmas time is here, reindeer and yuletide cheer, the jolly atmosphere, is something near and dear, to people old and young, shopping and stockings hung, lip-locks and socks among, the box of rocks and rum. You hear a doorbell rung, the hum of carols sung, from every living lung, you become Santa stung. Its fun to run around, with pounds of presents bound, for door, the floor, the ground, escape without a sound. Under the Christmas tree, wrapped up so beautifully, they will remain until the day they can be opened and seen. You hear a choir sing, whistler's whistling, and it brings you such a feeling got you kneeling and reeling from the memories, of decorating trees and shopping sprees, and how you'd freeze on those late-night deliveries, cookies and Sees; can I please, just catch some Zzz's is what you plead but you've agreed, to get no sleep for a week-and you're weak from all the planning, in line standing, and winks. Gotta think of something clever but your levers on low, gonna mow over the rovers that all hover and Ho Ho Ho, their in your way and waving oh I don't know know know, if I can take it might not make it in snow snow snow, it's raining paining all the people that go go go, no stopping shopping dropping not till its 8 below. The flow of buyers and suppliers all show that dough; you grow and grow with every season such a seasonal pro. No rejuvenating waiting on those tired-out toes. You wrap up wrapping, mapping napping in the hustle and flow. You seize the reason for the freezing season's glimmer and glow. Show up to parties, bring Bacardi's, eat some smarties, n' tic-tac-toe to music playing, hips are swaying some doe-see-doe. It's getting late; you wait abruptly cupping a cup of Joe. See couples wed, eat gingerbread, fed green and red Oreos. Use milk for dipping sipping some of that hot cocoa. To fill the chill instilling in and around your bones, you're on a hill building abominable men of snow. You roam for dolls and deck the halls till daylight falls into moonlit glow. A very merry Christmas wish is what you bestow. I know you heard me when I sternly said ho ho ho and not ha ha ha, fa la la la la, so in awe of every jaw-jaw jacking that bah humbug, I eggnog chug and hug the pug that plops itself a-top a snuggly twelfth night rug. I've dug into the dishes with a violent and vicious giant appetite, every bite delicious and finished right, no sweat if not nutritious you're ambitious, diminish wish for anything light. Every night eat something heavy, have a beverage with Chevy chasing vacation sights. See the lights all shining bright; incite excitement hype in the neighborhood. All the real good girls and boys will relieve some grieve with toys from deliveries, delivered down the chimney with jiminy glee, under the tree for all to see, there will be racing, constant pacing, total anarchy; but the birth of Jesus Christ from his mother Mary, is the reason for the season's divinity, a holy night for you and for me. So you see, whether you're playing choo-choo trains chomping candy canes, or deciding who to show you have mistletoe, remember loudly yell singing jingle bells, and let your merry show saying ho ho ho. Lastly I will say on this holiday, a day to celebrate, be happy and gay, let's pray for peace on earth and goodwill towards men, and distribute all the loving love will let you lend.

Written by Tyler Wagner

Amen Tyler. Thanks for sharing. Love from me, your Dad.


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