Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Brain Power

Once again I can't devote the time that the high standards of my blog requires.

So today I will leave you with an exercise for your brain.

Want more brain power? 'Mouse' with the other hand

Want more brain power? Who doesn't!

But who knew it could be as simple as using your other hand to control your computer mouse?

By switching your mouse and mouse pad to the other side you'll be forcing yourself to use your non-dominant hand, which means all the information will go through your brain in a different way and the neurological connections between the two halves of your brain will get stronger.

Research has shown that ambidextrous people have (on average) 10% more nerve fibers joining the two halves of their brain together.

Now for those of you that really need help let me break it down for you:

If you are right-handed use your left hand to operate the mouse.

If you are left-handed use you right hand to operate the mouse.

You know, like connect the dots, it is connect your brain.

Thanx for stopping by. Real soon I will bore you with the vacation story.


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