Weird and Wild
Today let's take a walk on the weird or wild side!!!
Bound Fur-Ever

I'm not sure the groom is sold on this marriage. I assume it was arranged by the families. The Groom's family probably had to give a couple of Pigs for the Bride!!!
Porky Peck

I'm not sure who the groom is. I assume the marriage was arranged by the families. The Groom's family probably had to give a couple of Dogs for the Bride!!!
Let's hope the dogs and the pigs didn't have a problem on the honeymoon like the following bears did on their first date:
Rough courtship leaves polar bear all shook up
Female breaks leg after suitor pushes her over ledge at Memphis Zoo
MEMPHIS, Tenn. - As first dates go, this one didn’t end well.
A male polar bear who was trying to court a female polar bear apparently pushed her over the edge of a 14-foot drop while playing, Memphis Zoo officials said.
Cranbeary, the 5-year-old female, had surgery Saturday to insert two steel plates and 26 screws to repair a broken leg.
Payton, the 3-year-old male, is on loan from the Brookfield Zoo in Illinois as part of a breeding program. This may be both bears’ first romance, and it got a little awkward, said Matt Thompson, mammal curator.
Zoo officials said Cranbeary is in heat, which could have led to Payton’s aggressive behavior. A visitor reported seeing him tussling with her atop the cliff before she fell.
Cranbeary will stay in her cage for at least 10 weeks until her leg is strong enough to return to the exhibit, zoo officials said.
Man, what do you think she said to provoke that response? Did she start laughing at his techniques or something else? Or was it just a case of rough sex gone a little overboard?
Backyard Bear Gives Woman a Scare
MAPLEWOOD, N.J. - A woman glancing out a kitchen window in this bedroom community just west of New York City was startled to find a black bear peering back in at her.
"I was making a pot of coffee, and I turned around and there he was in the window looking at me," said Lorraine Grossman.
She screamed, spooking the 211-pound bear, which ran to a nearby tree, climbed 40 feet up and wouldn't budge. More than 50 neighbors gathered in Maplewood to watch for five hours as the creature just yawned.
"He's really kind of cute," said Joanne Penaluna.
State wildlife officers eventually shot the animal with a tranquilizer dart. After hanging on for about 10 minutes, the bear dropped into a net. It was taken away, tagged, then released at a state wildlife management area.
Authorities said the bear, a male estimated to be 2 or 3 years old, might have been snacking on birdseed and likely wandered in from the nearby South Mountain Reservation.
She screamed, spooking the 211-pound bear, which ran to a nearby tree. Do you know how much trash talk he is going to get from the other bears? Bears are supposed to be mean and not let a woman scream and chase it up a tree!! What a wuss!!!
OK, another gem I know, but remember this "It ain't easy being me!!!"
Blog alert - The writer is taking the weekend off. Please return Monday for more of all the silly news no one else will use!!
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