Monday, December 11, 2006

More Animal Stories

Hey bartender how about another round!!

Let's party on dude!!

Guinness-guzzling camel crashes Irish party

Christmas comes early for ‘Gus’ after he chomped his way through beer cans

DUBLIN - Staff at an Irish riding school were forced to postpone festivities after Gus the camel chomped his way through 200 mince pies and several cans of Guinness intended for their Christmas party.

Gus, starring in the riding school’s Santa’s Magical Animal Kingdom show, helped himself to the feast while staff were getting changed for the party.

“Gus found his way out of his pen and helped himself,” Robert Fagan, owner of the Mullingar Equestrian Centre in central Ireland, said.

'Gus' goes for Guinness
The 11-year-old camel, originally from Morocco, cracked open six cans of Ireland’s famous stout with his teeth after the door to his stall was left open.

Gus appeared well after Monday evening’s feeding frenzy, Fagan said, adding: “We were all looking forward to it, but you couldn’t blame him. He’s really a very gentle, docile sort of camel.”

Pour me a tall one bartender!

I wonder what a drunk camel looks like when it staggers down the road?

He can go seven days without water but he has to have his beer everyday!!

Dog tunnels through snow to save owners

A seven year old German Shepherd - Timberwolf mixed dog named Shana is quite a canine hero in Alden as the story spreads of her efforts to save her owners during the October surprise storm.

Eve and Norman Fertig, who are both 81 years old, were out treating injured birds in the Wildlife Sanctuary on their Alden property on the night of October 12th. They left as the storm intensified but, were soon trapped by falling trees and heavy snow as they tried to walk back to their home. Eve realized they could die in the bitter cold but, fortunately, Shana was with them.

As the cold and snow chilled them both without heavy coats and gloves, Shana started digging under the snow and trees. The dog actually dug a foot wide tunnel about 20 feet to the home.

Shana barked but, the couple hesitated, so they say the dog came back and tugged on Eve's jacket. She says the 160 pound dog actually pulled her onto its broad back and crawled through the tunnel. Her husband held on as well as they slowly crawled all the way back to their home. They made it back to the back deck, opened their door and fell in to the house exhausted but safe.

Dogs rule!!!!! I saw the interview with the people and this dog was rescued from the pound when it was young and the people figure the dog was just paying them back for giving it a good home!!

Man fined for puzzling hotel pig toss

Throwing of porker over front desk might be ‘a redneck thing,’ police say

WEST POINT, Miss. - When pigs fly, indeed. Kevin Pugh, 20, of Cedar Bluff has been fined $279 for tossing a pig over the counter at the Holiday Inn Express in West Point . Pugh pleaded guilty Tuesday in city court to a charge of disturbing the peace.

West Point Police Lt. Danny McCaskill has said Pugh didn't know the employees of the hotel. There was no evidence intoxication was a factor.

No one was hurt, including the pig, officers said.

"This was the silliest thing I've ever seen," McCaskill said. "Almost every officer we had was involved because the incidents kept happening at different hours."

McCaskill said Pugh was accused of walking into the hotel and throwing the 60-pound pig over the counter.

"He said it was a prank," McCaskill said. "It must be some redneck thing, because I haven't ever heard of anything like it."

McCaskill said there have been four late-night incidents involving animal-tossing at West Point businesses. Twice a pig was tossed and two of the incidents involved possums.

All four of the disturbances took place between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m., McCaskill said.
Pugh is accused in a second animal-throwing incident at a Hardee's restaurant.

I got nothing on this one other than it is very strange story!!

Is this like a pig in a poke?

Woman Helps Rescue Pig on Interstate

VANCOUVER, Wash. - When Christine Gamache was driving along Interstate 205 and saw a pig fall out the back of a tractor-trailer rig, she didn't just scratch her head and drive on. She pulled over and stood by the 500-pound animal, possibly averting a freeway pile-up, the State Patrol said.

"She stayed by the pig until we showed up," Trooper Todd Gates said.

Gamache told Gates she'd been driving northbound on I-205 on Monday when the pig somehow fell out the back of an open-top box trailer. It hit the ground spinning.

"It rolled across the highway into the median," Gates said.

After dodging the pig and another truck, Gamache, who had no cell phone, stopped her car and walked up to the pig. The pig was favoring a sore left rear leg but didn't seem seriously hurt, Gates said.

Later, Gates, paramedics and a Clark County sheriff's deputy joined them on the median until a man who works with livestock arrived on the scene to take the pig to safety until its owners could be located.

The real story here in case you missed it is the woman had no cellular phone!!!

Starting another week on this manic Monday!!

Return tomorrow for more of less.


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