Can You Say Merry Christmas?
My Tuesday tear!!!
Normally I am a mild mannered guy whom nothing upsets.
Well, today that all changed, I became so angry that I contacted the ACLU who agreed to file a law suit on my behalf.
When I tell you what happened I know you will see why I am so upset.
Here's the story. I stopped by the office of one of my clients today to pick up some paperwork and that's when something beyond belief happened.
Upon handing me the package, the receptionist looked me straight in the eye and said "Have a nice day." Can you believe that?
Why would she force something like that on me?
Did she not give a thought to the fact that maybe I wanted to have a bad day? I felt obligated to contact the ACLU and start a law suit.
Furthermore, I immediately called her boss and advised him of the way his receptionist was flaunting this "have a nice day" thing.
Who did she think she was, sharing her belief of a nice day with everyone?
Not everyone wants a nice day, so she should not wish it on everyone she sees.
This is not the first time I have heard someone utter those words either.
Well, that has to stop. I am one person and since I don't want the "have a nice day" phrases used even though the majority of people do, with the help of the ACLU I am making it my mission to sue everyone that utters that phrase.
And with that I'll segue into the following:
Remember this clown from my Thursday blog post?

SeaTac Flap: The Seattle-Tacoma airport took down Christmas trees after a rabbi threatened to sue to add a menorah. He relented, and the trees came back.
He relented? Who was the idiot that didn't tell the rabbi to kiss their butt and sue to his heart's content?
"Have a nice day."
Then there is this:

Movie Muzzle: City officials asked the Christkindlmarket festival in Chicago to reconsider a promotion for the film 'The Nativity Story,' worried it might offend some people.
Oh my, we don't want anyone offended do we?
I guarantee everyone gets offended at some time over something, so does the world stop while we change that?
"Have a nice day."
And now this:
Skater 'Stunned' by Christmas Carol Cutoff

Choir Gag Order: Because skater Sasha Cohen is half Jewish, a city official forced a choir to stop singing Christmas carols at a show where she appeared.
LOS ANGELES - Olympic figure skater Sasha Cohen was "stunned" to learn that a U.S. high school choir had been ordered to stop singing Christmas carols at a holiday show because she is half Jewish, her mother said on Thursday.
A city official accompanied by a police officer caused a stir by silencing the carols on Tuesday night as Cohen signed autographs after a performance in Riverside, California.
Riverside Mayor Ron Loveridge has since apologized to the student choir, the Rubidoux High School Madrigals.
To some, the incident appeared an example of excessive political correctness in the United States over the celebration of Christmas -- which some conservative commentators have characterized as a "war on Christmas."
Cohen, who is half-Christian and "celebrates everything" during the holidays, learned only through news reports that the choir had been cut off on her account, the 22-year-old skater's mother and manager said.
"Sasha was stunned. We both thought the voices were just lovely, they were doing such a wonderful job," Galina Cohen said. "Christmas carols are part of celebrating the holiday season."
The Riverside Press-Enterprise newspaper reported that the Madrigals had just launched into "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" when a city special-events employee told them to stop singing.
Cohen's mother said the 2006 Olympic silver medalist and U.S. National Champion had taken part in Christmas tree lighting ceremonies at New York's Rockefeller Center and in California.
When did Jewish people become so outraged with Christmas that songs would offend them?
That's it. Pull their license and shut every radio station that plays any Christmas song or mentions anything about Christmas.
That goes for television as well. No more showing Christmas lights on houses, no Christmas movies (It's not such a wonderful life), no Christmas concerts or specials.
Most of the Jewish people I know wish me a happy Hanukkah and I wish them a Merry Christmas.
One is their holiday and the other is mine. They celebrate theirs, I celebrate mine, and we share greetings. Neither of us is offended!
Does the word overreaction mean anything?
"Have a nice day."
Missouri is known as the "show me state" so pay attention to their Governor Matt Blunt as he shows us.

To be Blunt: Missouri Governor Matt Blunt told department directors that "no state employee will be reprimanded or in any way disciplined for saying 'Merry Christmas.' "
Finally a politician with brains. Blunt for President in 2008.
One retailer listened.

Wal-Mart 180: After a generic greeting rule angered some customers last season, the store is letting workers say "Merry Christmas" this year.
Wal-Mart listened because customers were angry at the greeting not including Merry Christmas.
There is a message here people, "If we speak, they will listen."
When you are out shopping let your majority voices be heard above the crowd of one.
MERRY CHRISTMAS. YES, M-E-R-R-Y C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S!! Speak it, spell it, get the word out, shout it from the mountains high and the valleys low, on the highways and byways. Let the majority rule and speak the words Merry Christmas.
We shall no longer be bound by what a few say, we shall be bound by what the many demand. Yes, the very word.
Practice it in front of a mirror until you remember how to use it in your every day vocabulary.
It shall not die!!!!!!
Merry Christmas to all and to all have a nice day!!!!!
A reminder to you, Christmas is a mere 7 days away. Get out there and shop and return tomorrow to the blog that is good for more of less!!
Good blog!! Merry Christmas!!!! "God bless us, every one!"
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