Do You Pay To Get Stimulated?

Here in Las Vegas these type of signs are all over the place and then there are rows of orange cones as if there might be work taking place.
For example these signs tell you;
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act -- better known as the stimulus bill -- has funded a highway project in local neighborhoods.
Makes you feel warm and fuzzy all over doesn't it?
I guess they feel we are too stupid to recognize road work when we see it.
What do orange triangle signs that say CONSTRUCTION ZONE or ROAD WORK AHEAD mean hmmmmmmm I wonder.
But alas State governments are estimated to be using millions of dollars to put up the signs that say what a great job they are doing spending money.
I guess they feel we are too stupid to recognize them spending money they don't have.
Some examples:
Washington, D.C., the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority spent $10,000 for a single 10-by-11-foot sign displayed at a highway project, advertising that the $15 million in stimulus funds the District received were provided by the stimulus.
Illinois spent about $650,000 during the last 14 months for 950 signs to be placed on 850 highway projects.
Pennsylvania spent $157,477 of the $1 billion in stimulus funds it received.
Here in Nevada who knows how much was spent but those signs are everywhere.
Harry Reid wants you to know he knows how to spend your money and for those American people that don't agree with Harry, he has a clear message for you.

I guess that ought to get you stimulated.
Ha!! Good one.
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