Say What
It has become obvious that our education system in the United States is lacking and has been for some time.
Many of you may remember on June 15, 1992, Vice President Dan Quayle corrected a student's correct spelling of "potato" to "potatoe" at an elementary school spelling bee in Trenton, New Jersey.
Now, a Senator and Vice Presidential candidate Joe Biden gave us, “I have a three letter word for what’s important to Americans! J-O-B-S.”
Our education system needs halp far shire.
By the way, with the holidays coming up, be careful who cooks your turkey.
I have a friend who told me his wife is not a very good cook.
He was telling me the first and last time she cooked a turkey she called the turkey hot line for cooking instructions.
He said she told the hot line she bought a 15 pound turkey and asked how long it needed to cook.
"Just a minute," the hot line operator said. The friend's wife said "thanks" and hung up.
Speaking of friends, I got some bad news from a friend the other day.
He said his wife of 40 years was lying on her death bed and she told my friend to open the chest at the foot of the bed which had been off limits to him their entire marriage.
He opened the chest and much to his surprise, he found three ears of corn and $100,000 inside.
"Why are there three ears of corn in here?" he asked.
She said, "Every time I cheated on you, I put an ear of corn in the chest."
Well my friend decided to forgive her, but then asked about where she got the $100,000.
She replied that every time she got a bushel of corn she sold it.
Editioral comment on my part:
Times are hard for everyone these days and everyone is stressed.
Now is the time to do something nice for people. Every time you see someone without a smile, please give them one of yours.

Reminder to my readers: Today is another 7 A.M. to midnight shift so there will be no post Tuesday.
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