Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Bailout BS

I don't know how everyone else feels about this financial mess our country is in, but here are my comments.

The government is bailing out Wall Street, the banks, the auto makers and others.

The government is going to form committees to study how something like this happened.

When all the rhetoric filters down, everyone wants to blame all the people that bought homes they could not afford.

Here's a news flash! I don't know anyone that has ever bought a house that they could afford.

This is nothing new. It has been going on since the first house was built and put up for sale.

A house is the biggest investment a person makes in their lifetime. The average person has tried to buy a little higher value to eventually make a little money for their retirement.

In the end what the government's study group will determine is that it was the home buyers that caused this mess because that is an easy answer and dodges the real problem.

It is a sure bet the value of the dollar, imports from other countries, a war, and wasteful government spending among other things had nothing to do with this.

The interesting thing is, as best I can tell, with the exception of 401K's, none of the bailouts actually help out an average citizen, and quite frankly I'm still not sure that it will help our 401K's.

The money given to the automakers does no good if people don't have a job or any money to buy a car or buy high-priced gas.

With the cost of everything, food is becoming an issue. Rather than subsidizing the automakers, we should subsidize the grocery stores.

No work and no taxes collected means higher taxes for those that do have a job. Politicians have no clue.

It's so bad, one presidential candidate suggests we need to redistribute the wealth.

What anyone makes in private industry is not what people should be worrying about.

Sure a lot of CEO's are way overpaid and a lot of people are underpaid, but that is the way the free market works.

Do we need the government to tell each and every one of us what we should be allowed to make and how much we need to be taxed to give to others? No.

I remember when businesses were sold a bill of goods about how to have their employees give to charity. United Way was invented and the workers were told what their fair share contribution should be. Who are they to judge what is fair to one or the other?

I have said it before and I will say it again - rather then all the rhetoric about the rich and the poor not paying taxes, just change our tax system and go to a flat tax.

Tax a working person a flat 10% allowing no deductions. Not only does that become fair, but it also taxes those that are skirting paying their share.

Interesting enough, I suspect the government would actually raise more money in taxes than they do now.

Reform the welfare system to clean that up and make it functional, and give foreign aid to the country that needs it the most. Yes, that country is the United States.

I have a lot more, but unfortunately I type slower than I think and well, I think you get the problem.

In closing I suggest you prepare yourself because the next government bailout will be the state of California.

Reminder - today will be a long work day so there will be no post Wednesday.


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