Thursday, April 24, 2008

Who Knows

How many of you that saw the movie Pulp Fiction recognized the hidden message?

All of the clocks in the movie Pulp Fiction are stuck on 4:20.

How many of you knew that 4:20 holds a message?

Capitalist buzz builds around stoner ‘holiday’

Blunt efforts to make a buck off ‘420,’ once just a counterculture affair

Code word and inside joke

For years, the 420 label remained obscure enough to be a viable code and inside joke.

But by the late 1990s, it was being pressed into use everywhere from personal ads – “420 friendly” – to clocks and scoreboards in the background scenes of popular movies.

Perhaps its most noticeable effect was the choice of April 20 as a day of reefer reverence, chiefly on American college campuses.

Two of the biggest annual celebrations are held at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and the University of Colorado, Boulder, both of which draw thousands of students and outsiders despite past attempts to crack down on the gatherings.

But as campus administrators brace for the unwelcome publicity that attends the thick clouds of marijuana smoke rising above their campuses, film industry entrepreneurs are rubbing their hands in anticipation of money to be made.

While there are lots of legends on the Internet and elsewhere about the origins of “420,” “4:20” and “4/20” as terms for both marijuana itself and indulging in it, the most widely accepted is that the label came from students at a Marin County, Calif., high school in the early 1970s.

The young stoners reportedly would meet after classes let out, at 4:20 p.m., to share their drugs in an era when the activity was less tolerated by society – and the legal system.

Now you know!! 420 break, smok'um if you got um.

France shared two things with the United States that, in my opinion, are the only good things France has ever had to offer.

The first and of course the best is the Statue of Liberty.

The second was a kitten.

A sex kitten

But as is always the case with the French, they don't get it, but one of their most favorite sex kittens does.

Bardot on Trial for 'Inciting Racial Hatred'

PARIS - French former film star Brigitte Bardot went on trial on Tuesday for insulting Muslims, the fifth time she has faced the charge of "inciting racial hatred" over her controversial remarks about Islam and its followers.

French anti-racist groups complained last year about comments Bardot made about the Muslim feast of Eid al-Adha in a letter to President Nicolas Sarkozy that was later published by her foundation.

Muslims traditionally mark Eid al-Adha by slaughtering a sheep or another animal to commemorate the prophet Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son on God's orders.

France is home to 5 million Muslims, Europe's largest Muslim community, making up 8 percent of France's population.

"I am fed up with being under the thumb of this population which is destroying us, destroying our country and imposing its acts," the star of 'And God created woman' and 'Contempt' said.

Brigitte Bardot gets it. France and a lot of other people don't get it about being under the thumb of the Muslim population which is destroying all of us, destroying all our countries and imposing its acts. (See my post March 3rd, 2008, Harvard's No-Men Gym Hours Cause Stir)

France, as always, surrenders and is waiving the white flag.

Not Brigitte Bardot. Her countrymen need to pay attention when she speaks.

Brigitte Bardot is the best thing ever produced in France, yes, better than any of their cheese, bread, or wine.

When she arrived in the United States she introduced us to the sexy hot.

I am talking sizzling hot.

She was so hot that when they finished shooting they had to put the film in the can and stick it in a freezer so it wouldn't melt.


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