A Valentine to Remember
Today is Valentine's Day!!!!

The day is most closely associated with the mutual exchange of love notes in the form of "valentines." Modern Valentine symbols include the heart-shaped outline and the figure of the winged Cupid.
It has also become more commonly known as The Hallmark Holiday.
Since the 19th century, handwritten notes have largely given way to mass-produced greeting cards.
The U.S. Greeting Card Association estimates that approximately one billion valentines are sent each year worldwide, making the day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year behind Christmas.
The association estimates women purchase approximately 85 percent of all valentines.
Let's take a trip down memory lane.
How many of you remember receiving the little candy hearts with sayings on them?

Ah, I remember them well.
In Grade School I remember receiving ones with cute sayings like:
Get Lost
What A Pain
No More
Shut Up
Leave Us Alone
Not Again
Be Gone
Oh No
Why You
Leave Now
Get Out
Be Theirs
You're A Pest
Weird O
Bad Boy
No Good
Not Sweet
Go Away
Bad Luck
No Kiss
Those are just a few sayings I remember on the candies my parents gave me!!!
The cute little sayings on the candies that my classmates gave me I can't list on here or my blog would be shut down.
I certainly enjoyed eating the candy though.
For those of you out there who buy into the notion when your significant other says, "It's just another day, don't worry about getting me anything," beware!
Friends, you better be prepared because if you don't remember the occasion with something, you will regret it for the rest of your life!!!
It's not too late, the day is not over, run as fast as you can and grab anything that looks like a gift along with a Hallmark Card and score points.
At the very least tie a bow around your neck, tape a card to your forehead, ring the door bell and when the door opens shout out "Special delivery, here's your Valentine present neatly wrapped in a bow."
Oh yes, then be sure to duck!!!!!!!!!!!
To all of my readers I wish you a happy Valentine's Day and
to Vicki, my special significant other, Happy Valentine's Day.

Happy Valentine's Day! Love you, too. Vic
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