Enter At Your Own Risk
Thursday, it's downhill from here!!
Well, let's see, after my doom and gloom posts of Tuesday and Wednesday let's enter into where:

In an effort to cut costs, Hershey's Chocolate is importing its chocolate from China. Hershey's spokesperson, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak, stated "The savings on electric mixers alone is substantial."

Here is a lady asking everyone passing by where she can buy a decent looking swim suit.

Due to the water shortage in Las Vegas, NV, the men are allowed to only take baths on Saturdays and they must use community baths.

Due to labor costs and competition from Japanese imports, the American car manufacturers are offering huge discounts if you purchase your American made car from Wal-Mart.

With all the fuss about weight, consider this a warning of what can happen if you overindulge in a diet.

And with that I will ride on out of here.

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