Happy Halloween
It’s October 31st and I’m the first to arrive, to the Halloween Fair where the “Dead Come Alive.” I pull up to the structure turned conductor for the night and get ready for an evening full of eerie and fright! I get out of my car and stare at the beast of a building that sits wielding words of worry increased. “The Deceased Feast Here,” I see clearly on the wall as I walk a little closer to the poster plenty tall. I ball up all of my courage and encourage with a call, “Come See This Everybody, I See Bodies Oddly Mauled!” I mull around the scene and dream of what could be inside until I hear a scream of horror, no explorers by my side! I somehow lost my group, my troop the Fearsome Foursome’s gone and all along the building sings a creepy, weepy whispered song. I listen to the echo of the voices from within and begin to feel a push behind my behind and I spin. I’m headed towards the entrance so entranced between the glow of the green and orange orangutans that hang in the shadows. A row of low hung Jack-O-Lantern lamps vamp up the room that I enter first and feel is cursed with cataleptic doom. I zoom around the compound with a heart that’s pounding down, as my feet are stuck below me to a magnet underground. I feel I’m made of steel and this is stealing me ahead, from the openness of life into the darkness of the dead. Beheaded bodies occupy the space in all directions as I’m directed to a sector that has yet to be inspected. I expect to see an exit, an escape from all this dread, or at least wake up in cold sweats wearing sweats at home in bed. Instead I’m led around in circles circling the scene of a bloody ruddy ruthless roost of rulers unforeseen. Between the gleam of goblins, ghouls and gremlins I descend until I’m blending with the darkness and I feel I’ve met my end. I try to send a shout for help, but help’s not on its way because my voice is met with violent sounds of silence and decay. I’m praying for the sunlight as the fright frequenters me, but all I’m seeing, hearing, feeling is this warm antiquity.
-Written by Tyler Wagner
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