Just Stupid People
The Democrats are in control and they also want one of theirs to be president.

Do-Over in Michigan and Florida?
WASHINGTON -- Officials in Michigan and Florida are showing renewed interest in holding repeat presidential nominating contests so that their votes will count in the epic Democratic campaign.

Officials in Florida and Michigan are considering holding do-over contests because votes from their primaries won't count at the Democratic National Convention.
The Democratic National Committee stripped both states of all delegates because they broke party rules and held their primaries too early.
Granholm, a Democrat, and Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, a Republican, issued a joint statement Wednesday demanding that their delegates be seated.
Crist told reporters at a news conference Tuesday that he does not support having another primary at taxpayer expense. The Florida Democratic Party said the state estimates it would cost $25 million
Typical Democrats, what's $25 million when it comes to taxpayers' money!!
The scholars at Harvard are not so smart.
Harvard's No-Men Gym Hours Cause Stir
BOSTON - Harvard University has banned men from one of its gyms for a few hours a week, a move to accommodate Muslim women who, for religious and cultural reasons, cannot exercise comfortably in their presence.
The policy is already unpopular with many on campus, however, including some women who consider it sexist.

A sign announces women-only hours at a Harvard University gym. A request from a group of Muslim women led the gym to adopt the hours on a trial basis.
"I think that it's incorrect in a college setting to institute a policy in which half of the campus gets wronged or denied a resource that's supposed to be for everyone," said student Lucy Caldwell, who also wrote a column in The Harvard Crimson newspaper critical of the new hours.
Student Ola Aljawhary, who is Muslim and works out elsewhere on campus but is not one of the women who requested the change, rejected that argument.
"The majority should be willing to compromise," she said. "I think that's just basic courtesy. We must show tolerance and respect for all others."
Harvard, give me a break.
How stupid have we become? Is this the United States or some foreign country?
Once again the majority was opposed to something this stupid, but Harvard, in their infinite wisdom, gave into the wishes of six. (6)
How many Muslims were on and in control of the planes on 9-11?
Have the Harvard scholars forgotten?
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